How Many People Use Google To Make Decisions in 2024

Written by: Muninder Adavelli

Updated: July, 18, 2024

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The people’s dependence on Google is undeniable. This phenomenon, dubbed the “Google Effect,” shows how embedded Google is in today’s human culture.

Over 80% of searches in Google are for informational purposes. These search queries involve looking up tutorials, how-to guides, health, and medical information, job-related info, and other necessary knowledge that will spark a decision or action.

For instance, during the pandemic from 2020 to 2021, the term “Covid vaccine side effects” had an average Related Search Volume (RSV) of 37. The information people learned from this search helped people decide whether to get vaccinated.

This article will analyze the degree of Google’s influence on users’ decision-making through facts and statistics. Read about the necessary facts and figures below and discover how they affect the people of today’s Google-dependent society.


How Many People Use Google To Make Decisions Key Findings

  1. In 2022, Google led in internet usage worldwide, with over 81% of consumers checking Google reviews before visiting a business hub.
  2. 86% of potential investors spend over 1-hour researching investment-related content on Google before developing their investment plan.
  3. Between 18% to 20% of Google users take around 5 to 10 seconds to search for information before deciding.
  4. Travelers worldwide conduct around 33 Google searches while consulting 12 travel sites before completing their travel plans.
  5. In 2020, 64.3% of Lebanese adults used Google for medical-related questions, 50% of whom sought doctors’ advice upon seeing search results.
  6. In the US, about 62% of people used Google to search for a restaurant in 2023.

How Many People Rely on Google for Decisions: Eight Out of 10 Consumers Consult Google Reviews

Internet users have incorporated Google into their daily lives, as shown by how it affects their thought processes and decisions. In 2022, over 81% of consumers consulted Google reviews before visiting a business.

Visualizer of the 81% of Google Reviews users

8.5 billion searches take place in Google daily. As a result of Google’s huge role in making daily life decisions, the search engine has dominated the Internet. Hence, Google is the search engine with the highest market share at 86.99% as of April 2024.

Around 18% to 20% of Searchers Take 5 to 10 Seconds on Google Before Finalizing a Decision


Statistics on the Time It Takes to Make a Decision Google

  • Six out of 10 families consult Google before deciding their travel destinations and other travel information.
  • Travelers usually consult 33 Google searches and 12 travel sites, meanwhile, a meticulous traveler looks at 500 search results and 50 travel sites.
  • Google Maps has over 1 billion users and 21 million downloads as people use the software and app to decide where to go and which routes to take.
  • Around 7% of daily Google searches are medical and health-related.
  • Three out of 4 Internet users went to a restaurant after conducting a Google search.
  • Half of online shoppers looked into Google Images before buying a product.
  • The search query “financial advisors” grew by 75% on Google between 2015 to 2017.

Google provides answers at a speed of less than a tenth of a second. As soon as the consumer presses enter on their search query, they get the answer they need instantly. 

Consequently, Google allows Internet users to decide immediately. In just 5 to 10 seconds, 18% to 20% of searches finalize a decision based on Google’s provided search results.

Visualizer of the 18% to 20% of users who took 5 to 10 seconds on Google before deciding.

These decisions encompass various purposes and drive different types of decisions. Let’s explore each one of them in the following sections.

Travel-Related Decisions on Google: Over Half of the Population Uses Google to Plan Their Travels

About 63% of families initially consult Google to decide on travel destinations and other needed information, such as:

  • Itineraries
  • Budgeting options
  • Modes of transportation

On average, travelers worldwide conduct about 33 Google searches while consulting 12 travel sites. On the extreme side, a meticulous traveler might require over 500 searches, consulting over 50 travel sites.


Did You Know?

Google has released a new feature, Destination Insights, to prove how dedicated the site is to influencing a user’s traveling habits.

The search engine’s travel tracker allows users to monitor travel demands and review trends and insights about their destinations.

Travel also includes transportation, which Google provides information through its search engine platform and Google Maps application. 

Since Google Maps’ release, over 30.5 million unique websites have used it, 2.6 million of which are US-based. The navigation app allows users to access the following features:

  • Access GPS software
  • View available routes
  • Navigate traversals and transports

For instance, Google Maps provides various routes. Drivers can decide which one to take based on how fast they need to arrive at their destination or other considerations. 

Google Maps also provides information on public transportation, depending on the availability of local information. Commuters can decide which particular public vehicles to take.

As a result, over half of US smartphone users utilize Google Maps for transportation, reaching 58% of mobile device owners. By the end of 2023, the application was the 5th most-used mobile app.

With over 1 billion users and about 21 million downloads in 2023, the software highlights how people depend on Google’s navigation and routing features more than other navigation apps.

The statistics above highlight how search results could dictate how successful one’s travel booking decisions and experiences will be.

Medical-Related Decisions on Google: About 7% of Daily Searches on Google Are Related to Health Concerns

Aside from the “Google Effect,” another phenomenon the search engine has incited is “Dr. Google.” It refers to situations where users utilize the site for medical advice. 

Visualier of 7% of Google’s daily searches relating to medical and health concerns.

Globally, Google has become the “go-to” source of information for medical dilemmas, with about 70,000 medical-related searches per minute.

In North America, 89% of US patients google their health symptoms and decide how to approach their ailments from the search results. Meanwhile, 69% of Canadians visit Google for medical information, with 25% using search results to manage their health and fitness.

In the Middle East, a 2020 medical article discussed that around 64.3% of Lebanese adults went to Google after feeling acute symptoms, adding that 50% visited the doctor after using Google for medical information.

Whatever the consumers find out on Google’s search results will determine whether they will seek medical help or do follow-up treatments in their homes.

Food-Related Decisions on Google: In 2019, 89% of People Googled Restaurants on Their Phones Before Deciding Where to Eat

Even on simple tasks such as eating, users have taken to Google to decide what to eat and where to dine. In 2020, 81% of smartphone owners used Google to look for a food place to dine in, and 75% went to a restaurant based on the search results.

In the US, around 62% of consumers stated that they used Google to search for a restaurant in May 2023. Additionally, 51% claimed the search engine was the best place to research food and dining details.

Google has directly influenced how and what people eat. Users have created trends by letting the search engine decide what they eat. A quick search shows hundreds of YouTube videos titled “Letting Google decide what I eat for 24 hours”.

Google’s 2016 Food Trends Report highlighted how the search term “best foods for” has grown exponentially from 2011 to 2015:

“Best Foods For _______”

Year-on-Year (YOY) Growth (2011 vs. 2015)

…Acid Reflux


…Upset Stomach






In Australia, an average of 27,100 people googled the search term “best restaurants” and 12,100 people searched “best restaurants near me” each month in 2021, showing how much Google’s SERPs decided where Aussies ate and drank.

Referring to the previous discussion on how Google has made its way into the global health sector, users have shifted towards healthy food trends. At the same time, Google provides navigational and informational instructions on where to eat and what type of food to consume.

Shopping-Related Decisions on Google: Around 50% of Online Shoppers Viewed Products on Google Images to Help Them Decide What to Purchase

Google ranked second in sites that US users visit first before shopping online, at 31.5% of consumers, trailing Amazon’s 50%.

For local business reviews, community engagement is a notable by-product of Google reviews and search results. In 2022, around 98% of users searched for online reviews to research local businesses.

Based on the data presented, it’s evident how Google has shaped shopping behavior and the e-commerce landscape.

Finance-Related Decisions on Google: Around 86% of Potential Investors Spend Over 1 Hour on the Site Researching Investment-Related Content

With limitless options, users turn to Google for investment decisions. Users look up sites for investor blogs, financial advisor tips, and pros and cons.

Over 50% of people who prefer to complete their investment offline initially do their research on Google to study certain investment options. 

In line with that, studies have claimed that mobile search results for “financial advisors” have grown by 75% from June 2015 to June 2017.


Did You Know?

In 2022, Google announced its plan to invest about $9.5 billion in the US. The company added its desire to give 12,000 new full-time positions.

Google claimed to plan on capitalizing on its physical facilities across 5 US regions, specifying its plan to improve upon its 25 offices and 14 data centers.

All figures presented emphasize potential investors’ reliability on Google to solidify their decision-making regarding their investment journeys.

Career-Related Decisions on Google: 100% Year-On-Year (YOY) Search Result for “Job Application,” Indicates Google’s Assistance on Job Searches and Applications

People worldwide use Google for career-related queries, such as “follow-up email after interview,” which saw a 100% YOY growth, and “work-life balance,” at 40% YOY.

YOY growth of various job-related keyword searches on Google

70% of career hunters start their job searches on Google, showing how vital Google is when starting a career. Users also consult the site regarding career shifts. The platform indicated the top countries that searched “how to leave your job” from 2019-2024:

  1. Philippines – 100
  2. USA – 74
  3. South Africa – 69
  4. Canada – 56
  5. Australia – 55
  6. UK – 51
  7. India – 20
  8. Kazakhstan – 19
  9. Vietnam – 17
  10. Indonesia – 8

The aspects presented above appeal to a person’s psyche, helping them decide what job to choose, where to apply, why to resign or stay, and what the future might look like for these career opportunists.


Fun Fact:

Google is among the most sought-after places to work globally. Around 3 million people apply for the company yearly, with only a 0.2% acceptance rate (20,000).

One striking reason why people want to work at Google is that the company is highly rated globally concerning positive work experiences from employees, ranking #8 in Glassdoor’s “Best Places To Work” list in 2023.

Final Thoughts on Google’s Chokehold Over Decisions

It’s evident how much Google has a hold on society and how much it leverages this advantage to further its goal of advancing the world through technological innovation and profiting from its users.

The company constantly develops new ways to grow its user base while improving relationships with its current users, affecting their decision-making and compelling them to support Google further.

As Google continues its advent, especially in AI-powered tools, it’s only a matter of time before more people employ the site to make decisions on a larger and more impactful scale.


FAQs on How Many People Use Google To Make Decisions

What percentage of people use Google?

In December 2023, Google had around 91.47% of the global market share in searches, with 84.2 billion visits.

How many users use Google Now?

As of 2023, Google has amassed over 1 billion users for its products and services.

How many people use Google reviews?

2024 data shows that 81% of Google users will likely check Google Reviews before visiting a business location.

Tutorial By: Muninder Adavelli

Harsha Kiran is a seasoned Link Building Strategist with over 10 years of experience in SEO. Passionate about organic growth, Harsha has helped numerous clients achieve long-term SEO success. When not strategizing, Harsha enjoys hiking and photography.